MEET Sarai AKA @sarais_thoughts, Our New Crew Member


Tell everyone a little bit about yourself.  
I am currently in Grad School getting a Masters in Counseling. Right now I am heading over to India for 6 months to counsel victims of human trafficking. To escape from the real world I read and watch WAY too much Television.

Who are some of your favorite authors? Books? 
Ooh this is a tough one… I love me some Jim Butcher anything he puts out is an auto buy for me. The Black Jewels trilogy is one my re-reads yearly. Love Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Heather Wardell, Holly Black, and Patricia Briggs. I am just now reading LOTRs so I’m excited about that. 

What are your favorite genres of books to read? 
I enjoy fantasy, sci/fi, some mysteries, some young adult books like the Hunger Games trilogy, and I read fiction mainly historical (I have my undergrad in ancient and medieval history) 

Besides reading, what other talents or hobbies do you have? 
I enjoy watching TV and movies. I am a HUGE Stargate fan and go to the conventions yearly in Chicago. I tend to Nerd out quite a bit about video games (that I never have time to play), comics, graphic novels, The Guild, Supernatural, and other random stuff that never entertains the masses as much as it entertains me. 

How excited are you to be a part of the Masquerade Crew? 
Very excited! I’ve been an avid lurker for a while now and thought it might be time to finally come out of the shadows ;)

SUPERNATURAL?! I (DeeJay) LOVE Supernatural! Welcome to the Crew, Sarai!