Book Recommendations in your Email — good idea?


One of the biggest challenges an Indie author faces is getting their book in front of others. This is where marketing and promotion come into play. But, it's more than just getting your book in front of potential readers.

That's easy to do. Just tweet your book all day, everyday. (Which doesn't work, by the way.)

An author can be on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads — every imaginable platform out there — and they will still face the challenge of catching someone's attention. Not only are there thousands of other authors out there trying to do the same thing — there are countless other distractions in this 21st century.

So, with all of this in mind, I'm going to offer a new marketing strategy for authors. I will get their books in your email inbox. But not just any ol' book.

The genres you want to read.

I will only email you book recommendations for genres you sign up for. Each recommendation will consist of the following: title, author, synopsis, and a book cover (linked to Amazon). From there you can decide if it's something you want to check out.

"But I don't want to get inundated with emails."

I don't want to send out that many emails either. The books I send out as email recommendations will be from authors who buy an advertising package from me, which means a couple of things.

  1. The general quality of the books I recommend through this system should be fairly decent since the authors are spending money to market them.
  2. And since we're talking about more than just five or ten dollars, I won't get enough sign ups to inundate your email inbox, especially at first.

If this marketing strategy becomes popular with authors and readers, I'll probably need to figure out how to limit the emails so that I do not inundate your inbox. In any case, I won't inundate, and I'll figure out how not to if it becomes necessary.

For right now, I'd be surprised if you got more than a couple emails a month, maybe one per week once this thing gets going (depending on what genres you sign up for).

Which reminds me: each email will be for one specific genre and may contain several recommendations. I'll probably put a limit of five recommendations per email, but that won't be a problem until later.

"How do I unsubscribe?"

Since each email will be sent directly from me ... from my personal email, all you have to do to unsubscribe is reply to one of the emails and let me know what you want to change. You can opt out of all recommendations or change the genres you'd like to receive.

Here are the genres you can sign up for:

  • Mystery
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Young Adult
  • Historical
  • Horror
  • Erotica
  • Literary
  • Realistic (real life, no fantasy elements)
  • General Fiction (that doesn't fit into one of the above genres)
  • Non-Fiction

I want to build the email listing a bit before I offer this advertising option to authors in general, so the first ones that sign up for the service will likely receive at least one test recommendation, based upon the genre(s) you sign up for. These test recommendations will come from authors who have already donated or have supported me in some way or another.

What do you think?