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This is a blog about epublishing, a world in rapid evolution, with tips and info about a variety of topics related to epublishing, ranging from formatting issues to legal information, tips about book promotion and many other things. They also have two to three book reviews per week to promote authors. The blog is updated daily.

A Sampling of Their Blog

What to do when your books gets a bad review? – Part 1

Bad reviews are the bane of a writer’s life; yet, the only way to be absolutely sure never to get one is to never show your book to anyone. Fortunately, it is not like the casino, where to only sure way not to loose money is not to play, as bad reviews are the exception rather than the rule, especially if the reader had the opportunity to read a few free sample chapters prior to buying your book.

To read more of this post, click here.

Avoid Getting Banned from Amazon as an Author! – Part 1

So your book is now finished and up on Amazon shelves and you are keen to push the sales. Yet, better beware of using tactics that are in violation with the Terms and Condition of Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, as this would effectively give Amazon grounds to ban you for life from using their services as an author. As 80% of online book sales typically come from Amazon, this would be equivalent to signing a death warrant to your career as a writer, at least as long as Amazon dominates the market.

To read more of this post, click here.

Promoting vs. Marketing a Book – The Promotion Stages – Ongoing Promotion – Part 1

Here we go. The social networks are already built, the book is launched and now it is just a matter of keeping the ball rolling. Or is it?

To read more of this post, click here.