Can you help us advertise our upcoming writing contest?
Since we are still in the planning stages, be aware that any of the following is subject to change at any moment (though I doubt it).
A cash prize being available and/or the chance of being published are great incentives to help us out, especially as one of the contestants; however, there are chances to help us out and not have to do much of anything. Are you in a position to help us spread the word about our contest? You don’t even have to have a blog, though that’s the way it’s worded on the form from the first part of this series.
We would appreciate even someone tweeting about us. One tweet is fine, though scheduling a series of tweets from a Twitter app such as Hootsuite or TweetDeck would be even more appreciated. I’ll even be willing to email you the tweets. A few minutes later and your twitter stream would be helping us out without you doing anything else. In such case, what can we do in return?
If you have a blog or a website that has room for a display ad (in the side bar, for example), we would appreciate a chance for your fans to see an ad from us. We have no money to pay for it, but we’d be happy to return the favor, either in equivalent advertising or promotion via Twitter. (We would offer promotion via Facebook, but our Facebook following isn’t where it needs to be for it to be of much value to you.)
As far as display ads go, this is a perfect opportunity to put the word out again for help with graphics. There may be opportunity for you to get your name out there if you’d like to help us with some ads. I can put easy stuff together, but I am no graphics master. I would do my very best to make it worth your while. I don’t have money to pay for it, but I do have time—time spent helping others, especially those that help me.
Please fill out the form on this page to express interest in helping us with our upcoming writing contest. Be sure to include details in the comment box.