Cover Crush #11: Starstruck by Rachel Shukert
Prophecy of the Most Beautiful
by Diantha Jones Follow @DianthaJonesClick here
This is a fun Saturday meme hosted by On the Shelf that spotlights beautiful and eye-catching covers.
This week Diantha is crushing on:
Publication Date: March 12, 2013
Genre: Young Adult
Genre: Young Adult
A golden age of glam . . .
Every week they arrive in Los Angeles--beautiful and talented young hopefuls who dream of becoming stars. It's all Margaret Frobisher has ever wanted—and when she's discovered by a powerful agent, she can barely believe her luck. She's more than ready to escape her snobby private school and conservative Pasadena family for a chance to light up the silver screen.
The competition is fierce at Olympus Studios and Margaret—now Margo—is chasing her Hollywood dreams alongside girls like Gabby Preston, who at 16 is already a grizzled show-biz veteran caught between the studio and the ravenous ambition of her ruthless mother, and sultry Amanda Farraday, who seems to have it all--ambition, glamour . . . and dirty secrets. Missing from the pack is Diana Chesterfield, the beautiful actress who mysteriously disappeared, and there are whispers that Diana's boyfriend—Margo's new co-star—may have had something to do with it. Margo quickly learns that fame comes with a price, and that nothing is what it seems.
Set in Old Hollywood, Starstruck follows the lives of three teen girls as they live, love, and claw their way to the top in a world where being a star is all that matters. (Goodreads)
~Why I'm Crushing~
This cover is really pretty. What could have been a totally blah cover is transformed because of the fact that the model's face has been faded into the background. I love how all of her facial features pop and I'm really feeling the Old Hollywood vibe of it. As soon as you look at this, you get a sense of what the book is about and I like that. It's great.
What do you think?