#Follow @kenra_daniels: Paranormal Romance writer working toward getting published.

Featured Follower: Kenra Daniels

In her own words:

I write steamy Paranormal Romance featuring weredragons and daywalking vampires. I blog about a variety of topics, mostly related to writing/books/authors. I'm not published yet, but I work toward it daily, and am very optimistic that one or more of my books will find publishers in 2012. In the meantime, I'm learning everything I can about writing and the publishing industry.

A Sampling of Her Blog

Which Pants Are You Wearing?

Okay, so I’m not talking about clothes. But you knew that already, didn’t you?

Are you a pantser, or a plotter?

Translation: Do you write by the seat of your pants, with no plan, or do you outline and plot your project?

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Everybody’s A Critic

Many online writing communities have a place for writers to post snippets of their work for critique. Several communities revolve exclusively around sharing and critiquing, often on a sort of tit for tat basis. In order to post your work for review, you first have to critique several other writers’ work.

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Writer Wednesday: Rethinking Reviews

There’s been a lot of fuss lately, on blogs and forums, about book reviews. Some writers feel reviews should be all about constructive criticism of the book. Others feel reviews are strictly for readers, to help them decide whether to read the book or not.

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