It's raining Dr. Pepper and Chocolate. #Interview with @CSWCLynn

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We're pleased to introduce

Lynn Hallbrooks

Author of

Genesis: Call Sign 

Wrecking Crew Slice of Life

Cover links to


Lightening Round

Coffee or Tea?


Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate?

Dark Chocolate

A day at the beach or an hour at a bookstore?

An hour at Bookstore

Serious Round

How have you improved as a writer since you first began? What would you attribute your growth to?

I have improved as a writer by learning from fellow authors. Wisest advice I ever got was - "learn from others then make it your own" - meaning that every author is unique in their style and voice. Learn the technical stuff but be creative.

What or who encouraged you to start writing?

My daughter was the first one to encourage me to write professionally at a time when I was suffering burn out from my previous career in Health Information Management. David McKoy has been my motivator since I told him I was serious about writing.

Wacky Question

If it rained something other than water, what would you want it to be and why?

I'd love it if it rained Dr. Pepper then I could get my caffeine for free. Of course, if it rained chocolate that would be good too.

Author Bio

Writing duo David McKoy and Lynn Hallbrooks are US Veterans - David US Navy and Lynn US Air Force - they have collaborated on the Call Sign: Wrecking Crew series since 2009 and formed a company in 2010