Author Deidre Haverlock talks about her favorite scenes in her new book.

Author Deidre Haverlock stops by today with a guest post for her Saving Mary blog tour. Check it out!

What is your favorite scene(s) in the book and why do you love it?

My favorite scene is at the beginning of the book when I’m in my room playing barbies and suddenly my dad screams out bloody murder, making my mom sprint down the stairs to save him. I like this part because my dad remembers the event so well. While lying on the couch, a tall and extremely thin man appeared to him; the spirit pointed one of its long bony fingers at my dad as if to say, “You’re coming with me.” My dad says he had never been so terrified in his life. The spirit he describes, by the way, sounds exactly like the spirit I call Fred (in the book)…who appeared to me in my dreams. Even though this isn’t a great memory for us, my dad and I feel connected through the event. The fact that we both saw the same spirit helps us to feel not so odd…or crazy. Actually, my dad saw two spirits in his life. Once, when sleeping over at my mom’s aunt’s house, he saw a little boy, plain as day, walk into his bedroom. He said he talked to the boy saying, “Hi there, who are you?” The boy said nothing and left. Later, he asked my mom’s aunt who the kid was and she said, “There’s no kids here!”

My other favorite scene is when I go and toss all my teddy bears and dolls out in the trash bin. I think I like this scene so much because it really captures the intense fears I had as a kid. I mean, seriously…I snuck all my toy dolls and teddies out of the house and threw them into the trash bin so they wouldn’t stare at me or (heaven forbid) kill me! I remember hoping that they wouldn’t come sneaking back into my room at night. I was always terribly afraid that they could come to life.

Am I afraid now? No. Things are drastically different now.

Have you ever seen a ghost? If yes, please write on my wall.

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