Would you like to help multiple authors get word out about their books? Join us.

One of our ongoing goals is to help promote our reviewed authors by means of giveaways. We held our first giveaway in January. We saw decent success, though we could see much more. Instead of offering a giveaway to one author in particular, we’ve contacted the authors who received 5-star reviews from us, asking them if they would like to participate in a multi-book giveaway.

Some have already responded, so now it’s time to see how many blogs we can gather together. But this isn’t just about promoting the books. We try to do what we can for anyone who helps us out. Hopefully you'll see a few more followers on Twitter and maybe some traffic out of this. Following you on Twitter will be just one way out of many for people to enter to win, and the participating blogs will be linked together, hopefully increasing everyone's traffic.

Participating in our giveaways is easy. You simply copy and paste what we provide for you, adding whatever you wish to customize it. There is no specific date to put up the material, though as soon as possible after we send you the instructions the better. I’d like to have this ready so that we have a full week or a little longer at the end of the month to promote it. Winners will be chosen the first week of April.

If you would like to participate in promoting this giveaway, please fill out the form below. After the giveaway post is prepared, we’ll email you further instructions. Thanks for supporting Self-Published/Indie authors.